Half-Life 3: 10 Crazy Fan Demands That Could Happen

1. Virtual Reality Support

Moddb.comModdb.comThe hottest emerging video game technology of today has to be virtual reality. Oculus VR, recently purchased by Facebook, has successfully proven to the world that virtual reality is a feasible prospect, convincing gamers everywhere that they'll soon be adding headsets to their collection of displays. Valve were one of the early proponents of the Oculus Rift and modern virtual reality, spending a great deal of time with Oculus VR to work on improving the technology. Valve even have their own virtual reality headset, although they've claimed it isn't intended to ever be released on the consumer market. Many fans are expecting that Half-Life 3 will have virtual reality support, particularly considering they've recently added VR functionality to Half-Life 2. If Half-Life 3 were to launch with VR support next year, then it would likely be the first AAA title to do so, marking it as yet another entry in the series that acts as a herald for cutting edge technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH3v2VrCZ9Q What are you hoping to see featured in Half-Life 3? Will it even be released? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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