Half-Life 3: 10 Crazy Fan Demands That Could Happen

9. An Open World

ValveValveJust about every big release seems to feature an open world now. Ever since Grand Theft Auto III rocked the Playstation 2, open world titles have only grown in popularity. While they often suffer from an unfocused narrative, open world games can allow for unprecedented freedom and immersion. Rumours circulated around 2012 that Valve were working on an open world Half-Life 3, due to a number of leaks from sources close to the Seattle-based company. However, it's unclear just how reliable the information was, which also included hints that the game would feature RPG elements. We're not sure how we'd feel about an open world Half-Life game. The series has always been known for tight, driven narratives; something notoriously difficult in a fully open world. If Valve really wanted to shake up the series though, then an open world entry could well be the way to go.
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Half Life 3
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