Half-Life 3: 10 Crazy Fan Demands That Could Happen

8. Humanity Overthrowing The Combine

ValveValveHalf-Life 2 thrust the player into a world totally dominated by a strange, alien race known as the Combine. Much of the game was centred around guerrilla movements against the Combine, as splinter groups of mankind began an uprising against them. With expectations that Half-Life 3 will surpass the previous entries in scale and magnitude, many are hoping that the narrative will put humanity into the predatory position. Mankind, after driving the Combine from Earth, would bring the fight to them, liberating various planets before battling on the original Combine home world. It's something that worked in the Killzone series, and we can certainly see Mr. Freeman being put in the shoes of the leader of an intergalactic war campaign. It'd be a huge change in pace from the first two games, and certainly an interesting one.
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Half Life 3
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