1. Not Another Duke Nukem Forever

We know in our hearts that Valve are capable of delivering a fantastic game no matter what. However, us gamers have been let down in the past. Not necessarily by Valve admittedly, but there is a certain foreboding uncertainty when a game is not only delayed but is also not being talked about by the actual developers. One can only hope their decision to remain quiet about Half Life 3's inception means they'll hit us with a jaw-dropping sequel that will have been worth the wait. And all our speculation, rumours and fanart will all be for nought, because we know Valve will create a game that will race its way into our hearts and onto our hard drives, and we won't even remember why we were complaining. Suffice it to say though, that with each passing year that we still don't hear anything about progress (if any), some of us will begin to lose heart when we look back at popular media that just didn't live up to all that hype. Duke Nukem Forever (an apt title) took nearly a decade and a half to make. Spoiler alert: it was very poorly received. And because of that, we now have trust issues when it comes to titles being delayed. Valve, for all that is good and righteous, don't let us down.