Half-Life 3: 7 Things We Want (If It Ever Sees Daylight)

2. Tie Up All The Loose Ends

Gman For those who are late to the party or are itching their hairiest bits, you may be wondering why Half Life 3 has become such a sore spot for gamers. It's not just because it's been eight freakin' years since the previous title. It's not even the fact that Valve are refusing to say anything about it and only ever unveil un-Half Life games at conventions. The reason why fans are scratching at the Washington development team's office like a dog that needs to be let out, is because Episode Two ended on a cliffhanger. We all thought we were reaching the story's conclusion after we bravely fought off the Strider invasion (Seriously, how sweet would it be to control those things?!). We were all set to begin wrapping things up and continuing with our mission when...chaos breaks loose and the screen fades to black to the sound of Alyx sobbing. What the hell Valve?! A cliffhanger is one thing, but leaving us in the lurch for nearly a decade is whetting our appetite so much, our stomachs are beginning to digest themselves. We've had the Left 4 Dead and Portal entrées, now we're ready for the Half Life main course. This is what we truly want from the next instalment. We want to know what happens to Gordon and Alyx and Dr Mossman. Do we ever find out who the G-Man really is and what he wants? These are the burning questions the fans want to know, and it's the time span between asking them and receiving responses that's keeping us thirsty for more Half Life shenanigans.
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Half Life 3
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Mild-mannered head scratcher. Once did a thing while performing the stuff. Never been to Belgium. Add me on twitter @AHeatonWriter