Halo 4: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

9. A Series For The Ages

Halo 4 isn't just another spin off, it's the beginning of a whole new trilogy and that it extremely exciting! When Halo 3 closed the last chapter on the tale of the Master Chief it felt as though part of my childhood was being taken away. I, like many the world over, had begun their serious gaming career with Halo:Combat Evolved. It was a game changer and it revolutionised the way that shooters were played. The return of Spartan 117 marks the beginning of what is being called the reclamation trilogy and that means that we can all fall in love with the game play that made us fall in love with shooters in the first place although there will of course be some changes with the birth of a new series. Developers have said that Halo 5 will be a much darker title before the conflict is resolved in Halo 6.

Film and Gaming writer, Video maker, hardcore gamer and all round nerd! Follow Him on Twitter, shads616