Halo 4: 5 Weapons We Can't Wait To Unleash

3. Scattershot

Talk about awesome. This is a Forerunner weapon, and is the closest thing to a shotgun in their weapon set, although it's difficult to refer to it as just a shotgun. Not only does it seem to have a much larger spread and damage capacity, it disintegrates enemies and can ricochet off of walls. Yes, you read that right. In a recent multiplayer clip, a player banked his shot through a hallway and hit someone else who was completely around the corner. This will be fun. The weapon's usage against vehicles hasn't been showcased too much, but it's safe to say that it'll be more useful than the standard human shotgun. I can see the Scattershot becoming extremely popular during the first months of the game's release. It's going to be something that immediately catches attention and gives players who focus on close-quarters combat an awesome new tool. Sword users, watch out.

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When he isn't napping, Josh can be found enjoying a wide variety of films or writing code. He also spends time throwing his opinions around here at What Culture! and trying to figure out why Keanu Reeves didn't win the Razzie for Johnny Mnemonic. Email him at jpettibone13@gmail.com.