Halo 5 Vs. Black Ops 3 Vs. Star Wars Battlefront: Which One Is Best?

1. Overall

Halo 5: The latest Halo makes a continued case for the franchise's relevance even when the story isn't especially satisfactory. In pure shooter terms, the campaign is still plenty enjoyable, if totally overshadowed by that stupendously entertaining multiplayer suite. Black Ops 3: Another confident entry in the smash series, BO3 certainly could've done much more to innovate and in many ways feels too similar to Advanced Warfare, but it's also got a few nifty tricks up its sleeve which will leave Infinity Ward with their work cut out for next year's game. Above all else, you certainly get a lot of content for your cash. Battlefront: In many ways the most disappointing of the three games, Battlefront is great fun when you're battling across Hoth, desperately trying to bring a Walker down, but content is on the thin side and it lacks the depth of the aforementioned games. On a technical level, though, it's absolutely terrific. Whether it's a rental or a purchase will depend on your tolerance for repeating the same maps over and over again, and your opinion on season passes. WINNER: None of the games are especially innovative but all are entertaining in their own way. Of the ten prior points, you'll notice that Black Ops 3 and Halo 5 scored 4/10 wins a-piece while Battlefront snagged just 2/10 (both of which were tech categories). So, which game is best? Though BO3 is by far the most appealing shooter for the casual crowd (even if Battlefront is far more simplified overall), Halo 5 is still the most refined and enjoyable of the three games. Yes, the lack of split-screen is a major bummer and the campaign is "meh", but the ludicrously addictive multiplayer combat is satisfying in ways that CoD simply isn't. For better or for worse, these games are all driven by their multiplayer, so that's where most of the stock has to be put. It's like the classic comparison of a hamburger and a steak: CoD does a fantastic job as a casual shooter to dive into now and then, but Halo 5's more considered mechanics and lack of twitchiness make it the clear winner overall.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.