Halo 5 Vs. Black Ops 3 Vs. Star Wars Battlefront: Which One Is Best?

2. Value For Money

Halo 5: The campaign is disappointingly short, but there's a ton of multiplayer variety to keep you going, and the promise of 15 free DLC maps is a major feather in the game's cap (though let's wait to celebrate until they actually show up). Black Ops 3: There's never been a CoD game more worth its asking price: the divisive campaign is several hours longer than usual, there's an additional campaign on top of that, along with Zombies and regular Multiplayer. That's an easy 40-50 hours of gameplay right there. Battlefront: The lack of maps is a major problem here, for though the nine multiplayer modes are pleasantly diverse, it feels like EA and DICE have been incredibly greedy in asking for another £40 to get the "full" experience. WINNER: Black Ops 3 is the easy winner, no question.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.