Halo 5 Vs. Black Ops 3 Vs. Star Wars Battlefront: Which One Is Best?
10. Single Player
Halo 5: 343 promised that Halo 5's campaign would be roughly twice the length of Halo 4, so it stings that this isn't the case at all. On Normal difficulty, it can be comfortably beaten in 5-6 hours, which is only marginally longer than the previous game, but that's only where the complaints begin. The mystery of "Has Master Chief become a villain?" isn't much of a mystery at all, the Locke vs. Chief feud that the game was marketed on is downplayed entirely in the main game, several of the main missions involving the player just walking around for a few minutes, and you barely play as Master Chief. What a disappointment. Black Ops 3: The regular campaign is roughly two hours longer than the usual CoD offering, which is a pleasant surprise, but unfortunately, it's also wildly nonsensical and loses itself in an admittedly ambitious attempt to take the typical CoD narrative in a whole new direction. What makes up for this, though, is that completing the regular campaign unlocks the Nightmares version, a remix which features zombies and tells a whole new story. It's awesome, and compensates largely for the original campaign's shortcomings. Battlefront: Not much to see here. There's training missions, fairly tedious battles against the AI and a wave-based Survival Mode, but DICE haven't really put much effort into any of it, so unless your Internet connection dies, you probably won't give it much consideration. WINNER: Black Ops 3 is the least-questionable of the three, so the default winner. The vanilla campaign is definitely problematic but Nightmares is a breath of fresh air.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.