Halo: The Master Chief Collection - 25 Legendary Maps You Need To Revisit

1. Blood Gulch/Coagulation (Halo: CE)

2Fort. DE_Dust2. Facing Worlds. Some maps are so iconic that we immediately picture them when we hear the name of a game. As we've already seen, Halo has a ton of phenomenal maps but none will ever dethrone Blood Gulch; it's simply the best map the series will ever know. Yes, it's a map featuring two bases in a boxed canyon (where have you read that before?) but it's the original map featuring two bases in a box canyon. Obviously, long range combat rules this dusty environment but getting up close with players is pretty common too, especially if you're running around trying to aid your team by capturing flags or delivering bombs. The small paths around the canyon's edge are contested heavily by those on-foot and even the hills in the middle of the battlefield can end up covered in Spartan corpses. It goes without saying that Capture The Flag is great for Blood Gulch but there's also a few other game types that are insanely fun to try out here. Team Snipers will test your skills to the max while even silly modes like Rocket Race (where players race around the map on a Mongoose) will have you grinning from ear to ear. The size of Blood Gulch makes it incredibly versatile too; nearly any game type could work here with enough players. Do you need further proof of Blood Gulch's prestige? It's been remade countless times (re-released in Halo 2 as Coagulation; remade in the RTS spin-off Halo Wars; plus it's included in Halo: Reach's enormous Forge World) and it features heavily in one of the most legendary machinima creations ever - Red Vs Blue. Despite all that, we want more Blood Gulch and that's why it's going to be one of our most played maps on the Master Chief Collection - long live the king of Halo maps. Are your nostalgia senses in overload yet? Let us know your preferred Halo battlefield in the comments below! Also, let us know which map/game type you'll be hoping pops up first when you dive into the Master Chief Collection's multiplayer modes, and we'll see you out there come November 11th.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.