Hitman's 10 Most Satisfying Assassinations

9. Winston Beldingford

Found in: Contracts For all you non-British people out there, the inhabitants of Contracts€™ Beldingford Manor mission are completely right in their portrayal of an everyday Englishman. No, seriously, they all live in huge estates, speak with a disturbing sinister received pronunciation, have a butler, and can€™t escape their increasingly desperate desire to hunt man. That€™s right €“ hunt man! Winston Beldingford holds the position of orchestrator of this little known English pastime. Abducting athletic youths and releasing them into his grounds, he and his jolly band of aristocratic drinking buddies hunt them down, and then put them down, with a gun, to the face! He obviously never had the pleasure of seeing Rambo €“ you just don€™t hunt man, Winston! Jeez! That€™s like rule number one! Adding to his already warped ideas of hunting, he also likes to indulge in voyeuristic pleasures. A secret compartment can be found leading from his bedroom to a one-way mirror €“ which, of course, looks into the bathroom of a young lady. Winston, you dirty dog! Wait, doesn€™t Agent 47 and therefore the player, technically€ hunt man? €Uh oh. Memorable assassination: Smothering him with a feathery pillow as he sleeps. Sweet dreams, Winston.

Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut