Horizon Zero Dawn Reviews: 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

1. It's Guerrilla's Best Game Yet

Killzone shadow fall
Guerrilla Games
"Guerilla Games has delivered one of the best open-world games of this generation, and redefined its team's reputation in the process." - Gamespot
"Horizon Zero Dawn discovers a stronger sense of its own personality in one game than Killzone ever managed across half a dozen. Guerrilla Games has long been developing some of the most buzzed-about games in the industry; with Horizon, it feels like it has finally found its own voice, one worthy of all that buzz." - Polygon

Guerrilla Games has clung exclusively to their successful Killzone franchise over the last decade-plus, so it's damn refreshing to see them tackling something so outside their comfort zone, all the more so as it seems to be their best game to date.

Though it falls slightly short of Killzone 2's impressive 91 Metascore, it's worth considering how game reviews have changed in the near-decade since that game came out, and how much harder it is to score a 90+ these days.

Ignoring the number and taken on the reviews themselves, a strong chorus of critics feels that the game is Guerrilla's finest and most ambitious work to date. Fantastic.

What do you think of the Horizon Zero Dawn reviews? Day-one purchase? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.