Horizon Zero Dawn Vs. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - Which Game Is Better?

1. Character Progression (Personality/Arc)

Horizon Zero dawn

Right from the off, you'll be emotionally invested in Aloy's plight thanks to seeing her grow and learn, both as a child and an adult. Being she's cast out from the neighbouring Nora tribe for not having a mother (something the fellow children even pelt her with stones over), you'll actively want to prove yourself both as an individual, as the unassuming outcast nobody takes seriously and occasionally as a female to those who doubt your abilities based purely on gender.

The way the story goes from here expertly deals with every aspect of how Aloy matters to the world around her, allowing for all sorts of twists and turns, commenting on personal and societal politics, philosophy and especially religious zealotry.

On the other side, it'll be no surprise that Zelda's story isn't necessarily its biggest positive, though Nintendo have woven a narrative that expertly addresses both the in-game Legend of Zelda and that of what it means to a diehard fanbase over time. This meta-commentary on the status of Link and Zelda is the smartest construct in Breath of the Wild, and the game delves more into Link's personal interactions with those around him than any other entry in the series.

legend of zelda breath of the wild

Sadly, when it comes to more personal or emotional moments, they're often handled in a very weightless and ultimately badly voiced fashion. It's certainly 'very Nintendo', but if we're talking about personal journeys amidst open worlds and the progressive changes that come from them, Aloy has come a long, long way by the close of Horizon Zero Dawn, both physically, mentally and even societally.

Winner: Horizon Zero Dawn

Now then, for the conclusion...

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