How Rockstar Can AVOID Ruining GTA 6

Liberate Outposts far cry 3

Speaking of Rockstar setting the bar though, it's clear Ubisoft have taken what were tenets of GTA and ran with them. Far Cry 3 put clearing outposts at the top of its feature list like the gang hideouts of San Andreas, and even Ghost Recon: Breakpoint gives you an open world with tons of gameplay options that come from the character and environment, rather than scripting.

GTA 5, Red Dead 2 - as Rockstar have gotten bigger and drawn thicker lines in the sand as to how missions should play out, they've lost that playful sense of experimentation and dynamic interaction that made their sandboxes so much fun in the first place.

For GTA 6, we need a return to the "here's a set of mechanics, go have fun" version of GTA we used to know and love.

Give us open-ended mission goals that spark ten ideas at once in the mind of the player. Don't have every shooting segment end with a car chase unless the A.I. randomly decides to do so, and for the love of all that is holy, ditch the scripted "joke missions" like Scouting the Port and the LifeInvader stealth sequence.

Rockstar need to remember what made GTA so stellar, and that was routed in being the most experimental crime sandbox in all of gaming.


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