How Sony SHOULD Have Revealed The PS5

1. Not Made A Move Until They Had A Lineup Ready To Show


We've seen Nintendo embrace their "Direct" formats to drop updates left, right and centre, even if games are just at the conceptual or logo-based stage.

It happened with Bayonetta 3, and it happened with Metroid Prime 4, so carry that ethos across. Yes, the gaming industry has a problem with hype, but properly wielded it can be one of the most effective tools in any marketing strategists' repertoire.

Even Bethesda have cottoned on, dropping the Elder Scrolls VI logo a couple of years back, to answer fans wondering what was happening with the IP.

Back to Sony, and we know Spider-Man 2 is coming, we know God of War 2 is coming. We know there's a secret new studio where former Naughty Dog and Rockstar employees are working on a brand-new IP, or something that could be Uncharted 5. Whilst there's nothing to show for said studio, do a developer diary interview with those involved, alongside logos or teases for the other games mentioned.

Sony's biggest runaway success BY FAR this generation is first or second-party exclusives, so have them be front and centre of "why you should care" about a PS5.

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