How Sony SHOULD Have Revealed The PS5

2. Full Backwards Compatibility

metal gear solid 2

It's too perfect not to do, and the idea came from a patent Sony put together in the first place. One that's since all but been forgotten about, with Mark Cerny's aforementioned tech breakdown noting that the PS5 only supports PS4 games.

To not do full PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 titles on PS5 though, is missing the biggest opportunity in PlayStation history.

Hell, it IS PlayStation history.

Why not be the name in backwards compatibility and respecting your fans? Why not showcase technology that means you can put everything from the original Silent Hill to Metal Gear Solid 2, Killzone 3 to Tekken 3 into one system, and see the games take full advantage of freed up frame rates and processing power?

Microsoft have nailed this stuff for their b/c games on Xbox One, and popping in SSX 3, only to see it in crisp HD with smoothed over menus and eliminated load times is a blast.

I genuinely cannot stress enough how downright cool it is, to revisit the classics and see them automatically get various quality of life upgrades. It makes it feel like you have an entire library of free remasters, and the marketing strategy would write itself.

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