How Valve Should Make Half-Life 3

1. Blend The Changes From HL: Alyx And Portal With The Oncoming Borealis Storyline

half life 3

To bring the Half Life series back to the masses, Valve knew it needed to deliver a rousing narrative.

Without giving anything away, Half Life Alyx concluded with a fantastic subversion, one which both shifts the player's expectations while maintaining the same plot threads that were left hanging at the end of Episode 2.

With Alyx's disappearance, the Combine licking their wounds and the Borealis beckoning, these three pillars can form a crucial springboard for the story to launch off of. Fans have been left with so many questions; what awaits the Lambda Resistance in the lost vessel? And how will the Combine retaliate from their losses?

All the elements are there to craft the most twisting and mind-bending story of Valve's entire catalogue. On top of that, we also know that the Portal series, which received its last entry in 2011, is also part of the same universe.

Could this be the moment when the two franchises collide? It's a very exciting possibility, with players stumbling across a Borealis life ring inside the Aperture Science testing facility. Add to that Portal protaganist Chell stepping out into a world ruled by the Combine and you've got heaps of potential.

That's how we think Half Life 3 should be made, but what do you make of our thoughts? Share your own ideas in the comments below. We'll all take solace that the old Valve is officially back in business; it'll be interesting to see what they do next.

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A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website and my YouTube channel at