InFamous: Second Son - 10 Reasons It's Dividing Opinion

8. Travel Powers

Obtaining and using powers is where the real meat of the game is served up, and what a tasty dish it is! Each set of powers follows broadly similar lines, each power-set boasting a travel power with some variations. This aspect of Second Son surprisingly still attracted some discord amongst the reviews, despite it often featured in the game's positive reception even when reviewers were less then overwhelmed. Some reviews described clunky, ungraceful movement, finding traversal a chore rather than an enjoyable aspect in its own right. Some criticism is valid; a movement skill of being able to super-jump from cars becomes worthless when getting on top of them to use it is a distinctly hit 'n' miss affair, and certainly unviable in the heat of combat which is when it would be of most use. Finding much needed air-vents can either be a pain in the proverbial or a challenge depending on your point of view, and some of the air-control abilities seem pretty pointless when we consider the short amount of air-time each use will afford. This writer found the travel powers to be incredibly fun in themselves, even without the adrenaline rush of combat. Spectacular transformations beautifully harness the power of the PlayStation's graphics while you initiate the travel abilities making them a joy to use, make traversal of the city a cinch, and deliver a whole new paradigm for conflict resolution. Smoke abilities give us blisteringly fast but short bursts of movement and the fastest way to reach the top of buildings, neon gives us a blindingly bright never-ending breakneck spurt whether sprinting across the terrain or ascending skyscrapers. (There are two other groups of powers but we acknowledge Sucker Punches wishes for no spoilers here). Rest assured that the variation of abilities offered are unique in conception and implementation and will leave every gamer sighing with pleasure as they show their dominion of the landscape with their favourite means of traversal.

When not overthrowing governments MuddledMuppet can be found on youtube making mockery of life with slightly better than average gameplay.