InFamous: Second Son - 10 Reasons It's Dividing Opinion

7. Conflict With Combat

Combat in Infamous was undoubtedly fun, and improvements in Second Son definitely take it up a notch. Enemies are more likely to take cover (or even make their own cover with their abilities) and provide so much more of a diversion than simply being sitting ducks on a target range. A spectrum of abilities at our disposal allows a smorgasbord of choice, with options to hold enemies in the air before shooting them, choke them with smoke, hover and shoot, slow time to line up shots, using will-o'-the-wisp rapid movement tactics or take cover. Or just going flat-out crazy with a combination of rapid fire and heavy attacks - there is not only something for everyone, there is plenty of choice for everyone. However, some reviewers still had reservations, citing enemies that have a seemingly laser-like homing ability based more on precognition and a see-through-walls second sight than artificial intelligence that made sense. This writer found combat a lot of fun. So much fun it was easy to forget there is a mission to do, a narrative to the story, and would posit that gamers will happily find themselves within that gaming nirvana of 'just one more go before bed', instead finding themselves bleary eyed as the sun comes up and another eight hours are sacrificed to the capricious Gods of Gaming.

When not overthrowing governments MuddledMuppet can be found on youtube making mockery of life with slightly better than average gameplay.