InFamous: Second Son - 10 Reasons It's Dividing Opinion

6. The Story Was Bland

Several reviews were disparaging to the story, claiming it to be bland and formulaic, with plot devices replacing actual plot. The story necessarily strays beyond norms, while still making sense in a superhero comic book way, but there is a subtext to be found for those wishing to look a little deeper. Now bare with us here. Even democratic governments have a track record of increasing their powers and control over the people they 'represent' when under attack, whether by opposing armies or by terrorists. Legal concepts such as 'innocent until proven guilty' and 'habeas corpus' (you may have the body) translates in practice to a suspect having to be brought before a court and released if there is insufficient evidence against them. However these ideas fly out the window if a government feels they can demonstrate a greater threat from external sources. History and current events show us that many a democratic government has suspended these rights, detaining suspects without trial indefinitely, taking away the citizenry€™s freedoms in the name of the freedom it takes. Back to Second Son though, and although you'll have to play the game to fully understand the comparisons being described, the correlation isn't forced, it is simply 'there', and many players probably won't give it a moments thought. But underneath the apparent simplicity, there is an enjoyable and unexpected depth and subtlety to Delsin's tale.

When not overthrowing governments MuddledMuppet can be found on youtube making mockery of life with slightly better than average gameplay.