Injustice 2: 10 Most Complex Characters You Must Master

2. Atrocitus

Atrocitus Injustice 2

Next to Gorilla Grodd, Atrocitus is the go-to 'heavy', his bulky stature perhaps putting players off the variety inherent in deploying Dex-Starr (his cat) alongside his more damaging moves.

Immediately yes, his gargantuan strength stat can reduce a life bar to a pixel strand in seconds, but use Dex-Starr to cast a protective shield or keep an opponent at bay with the occasional projectile, and it'll give you the breathing room to trap someone in a corner. From there it's almost always curtains, as Atrocitus' swinging overhead smashes, tornado-launcher and upward breath-blast will keep anybody airborne, regardless of how much they try to escape.

Further loot grabs can blow up this strength stat even more, turning Atrocitus into one hell of a tank with a devastating tactical edge.

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Injustice 2
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