Injustice 2 Explained: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

5. Everybody Is Prone To Hypocrisy

Injustice 2

Brainiac suggests that if the superheroes declined to defend their planet, he presumably wouldn't use force. But this is utter nonsense, as his forces actually kill people for no reason. After taking them hostage, they still shoot and push them. By pretending to be noble, Brainiac urges others to embrace death, which is clearly against human impulses.

The other problem is that in order to conquer Earth, he recruited The Society (Gorilla Grodd, Bane, Catwoman, etc.) - a group of criminals who won't think twice about using violence, nor need a good reason to do so. Brainiac is therefore a hypocrite, whose superiority is only illusory.

Morality is a typically human trait, which the supervillain doesn't care about exploring, let alone understanding. Ideally, facts are emotion-free, so they're outside his area of interest.

This signifies that great intellectuals don't have to make for good individuals.

Brainiac's point of view is that you should just give up when confronted with a stronger enemy, because fighting him is unreasonable.

Fortunately for humans, they often give emotions and instincts gain the upper hand when it comes to determining their actions. It's one of the more important forces of our race - something that is explored in another ambitious new game, Prey 2. There, humans enhance a space entity by implementing it with empathy.

Brainiac could probably gain more when learning about how humans operate on a daily basis then by conquering them, but he's not interested in emotions. In fact, his failure proves one thing...

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Injustice 2
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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.