Injustice 2 Explained: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Not Everyone Is Alpha Material

Injustice 2

Not all superheroes are born to be leaders. Here there are two clashing strong personalities: Batman and Superman. While not the most strong, nor blessed with supernatural powers, Batman's personality and perseverance are enough to make him a true leader. Superman is noble, gifted with extraordinary abilities, so he also commands respect by his incredible gifts alone.

Nightwing, Captain Cold or Blue Beetle? Not so much.

The last one is actually content with being the sidekick to Black Adam and Aquaman during their mission. Harley Quinn is the one that undergoes the biggest transformation, as she partially absorbs the values of Bruce Wayne, her new "leader". However, she's a dichotomous character with some potential as well - as presented in the comic book series by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti.

Generally, it seems that even otherwise pivotal heroes like Wonder Woman or Green Lantern are content with letting either Batman or Superman decide about their ideology and alliances. Clearly it's better to be a part of a larger group than stand alone, so that may be the reason behind their logic.

In the first game, Joker was the only character that stood alone. Here it's Gorilla Grodd, who's only focused on himself. His ultimate failure and death stands as proof that even alphas need someone to follow them.

Otherwise they are just loners or rejects, not leaders. This bring us to the point that...

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Injustice 2
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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.