Injustice 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

3. Wonder Woman

Injustice 2 wonder woman

What Diana lacks in individual moves (seriously, her move list is like eight entries long), she more than makes up for once you get your head around how literally everything can connect together in very satisfying ways.

A three-hit combo might launch an opponent into a lasso strike, which is then met with a lower sword attack and finished up with a shield-strike, just for kicks.

It almost feels as though Wonder Woman's moveset was deliberately reduced and refined to let you play her character more tactically, applying an effective move set to any situation. Over time you'll memorise all her animations and be able to deploy them all at will - something that once everything clicks into place, sees you approaching any fight of any difficulty, knowing you have the right tools for the job.

Don't be fooled by Ms. Prince's smaller array of moves - it's not the size, but how you use them.

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