Injustice 3: 10 More Characters NetherRealm Must Include

6. Red Tornado

Injustice 3
DC Comics

Red Tornado is one of the characters that fans of Injustice seem to have been crying out for since the first game, and with good reason.

As well as being a fan favourite of both readers of the comics and those that have watched Young Justice, Red Tornado's powers are pretty well suited to a fighting game - his abilities being visually excellent and therefore having some wonderful potential for weird, interesting moves for players to carry out within the game.

Just think about it, the character's entire power set is based around, well, tornadoes, something that every other hero or villain on the Injustice roster is lacking. So, if NetherRealm's animators were given the chance, the character could provide players with some of the most awesome (in the most literal sense of the word) combos.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!