Injustice 3: 10 More Characters NetherRealm Must Include

7. Green Lantern - Jessica Cruz

Injustice 3
DC Comics

Except for Hal Jordan (and John Stewart, though as a skin), none of the other Green Lanterns have been playable in Injustice. This is a shame seeing as the likes of Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz and, to an extent, Guy Gardener are arguably more interesting than Jordan.

Out of all of these though, Jessica Cruz is the one that should join the Injustice roster in the threequel, and as her own character, not just a skin.

Cruz perhaps has the most intriguing origin of the human Lanterns, having started off as a shut-in chosen by Power Ring's ring due to her high levels of fear only to then be taught by Batman on how to overcome said fear. As a result, she was then chosen by a GL ring, the rest is history.

She may not have the artsy constructs of Rayner or the bowl cut of Gardener, but with good writing her charisma and great origin would make for an excellent addition to the Injustice-verse - maybe even as a replacement for Jordan.

Additionally, the fact that, unlike most of the other human lanterns, she hasn't been killed off yet also helps.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!