Injustice 3: 10 Supervillains NetherRealm Must Include

8. The Dark Archer

Penguin Injustice 3
DC Comics

With the popularity that The CW's Arrow has garnered, it'd be a shame for the heroes to be the only ones to be highlighted in other DC ventures.

Hence why the Dark Archer (AKA Malcolm Merlyn) should be considered for inclusion in the next Injustice. For a start, while played by John Barrowman, the villain has won over the hearts of many a fan. Considering it would be nice to have some variety in the criminals featured across DC media, with almost all of them originating from the Dark Knight's rogues gallery, finally seeing someone from another hero's would certainly be a breath of fresh air.

And, to be fair to the Bat, the Dark Archer is one of very few good Green Arrow villains, the only real other one being...


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!