Injustice 3: 7 Story Directions Fans Would Love

2. Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe 2

Injustice 3
Midway Games

In 2008, Midway Games (who eventually became NetherRealm after Warner Bros. purchased them) released Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe, pitting the likes of Scorpion and Sub-Zero against Batman and Superman. The game was met with a lukewarm reception, seeming to be a late response to the Marvel Vs. Capcom series, despite having so much potential.

Basing a spiritual sequel in the Injustice universe would be brilliant, as it would blend the excellent gameplay and storyline of the Injustice series with the classic characters of both Mortal Kombat and the DC Universe (obviously). Using the Mortal Kombat characters in this way may also avoid the backlash from some DC fans over the amount of non-DC fighters added to Injustice 2 as DLC.

Taking this route would also work for whichever ending became canon and would be equally satisfying either way.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!