Injustice 3: 7 Story Directions Fans Would Love

1. Blackest Night

Injustice 3

With the Injustice games being sold on the fact that they are a more brutal take on the DC Universe, it was obvious from the start that a lot of people were going to die.

This is the perfect set up for Blackest Night, as it would give NetherRealm the excuse to bring back fan favourite characters (such as Shazam, who died in the first game), or introduce ones who died prior to the events of the prequel comic.

The lantern mythos has already been fleshed out rather well across both the games and the comic, with both Atrocitus and Sinestro being featured in the games, and the entire Green Lantern corps appearing in the comic, with Lobo even becoming a lantern at one point.

Using Blackest Night as a set-up would also work with both endings, the only difference between the two being who you'd be able to play as, and which characters would recieve lantern rings, if it were to follow the events of the original Blackest Night comic.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!