Injustice 3: Things It Must Learn From Mortal Kombat 11

5. A Superhero Version Of The Krypt

MORTAL KOMbat injustice

The Krypt is one of the most divisive aspects of Mortal Kombat. The feature has been a part of the Mortal Kombat franchise since Deadly Alliance, but is borderline unrecognisable today.

In older Mortal Kombat titles, The Krypt was just a way of spending in-game currency to unlock Fatalities, costumes, music, and game art. It was a fun way of rewarding players for playing. Fast forward to 2019 and *shock* the mode is designed in a way that makes you want to spend real-life money.

Now, to be fair to NetherRealm, this mode is nowhere near as predatory as it could be; you can, in fact, unlock every tomb with in-game currency, and that's something.

On top of that, the new interactive Krypt introduced in MKX is really fun. MK11 improved it further and made the Krypt third-person, which saw you running around unlocking new areas using items found throughout the world.

The possibilities for this in Injustice 3 are very exciting. Imagine unlocking Batarangs, the Lasso of Truth, the trident, a Lantern ring, or even powers like flying and super-strength as you traverse areas like the Bat-cave, the Amazon jungle and Atlantis.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.