Insomniac's Spider-Man 2: Every CONFIRMED Detail We Know
1. The Marvel Gaming Universe In Action
Out of all the things we do know about Spider-Man 2, however, it's the presence of a Marvel Gaming Universe that's sure to be its most exciting element.
Confirmed just last week and alluded to prior to release, Spider-Man's status as the 'Iron Man' of an MGU has already gotten everyone talking about crossovers, new games, and even a potential link between it and Square Enix's upcoming Avengers Project. Marvel Games are yet to disclose what this new set up could be, but given how positive the reaction was to the various Easter eggs and reference included in Spider-Man, we can at least expect some actual cameos to take place in the sequel (with one hopefully being Daredevil).
Either way, it's still early days for this new venture. The fact that Spidey is the face of it is unsurprising, but Insomniac have had to deal with a lot of pressure these last few years, and it's unlikely to subside during the course of development for the sequel either. Indeed, the added bonus of having to deal with a living, breathing Marvel Universe in Spidey's next game is likely to bring as many headaches as it will opportunities, and though it remains to be seen just how the studio further integrate Spidey into this new canon, if the last few years have taught us anything, it's that they're well up for the task ahead.