Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Final Fantasy Characters Who Must Appear

6. Tidus

Final Fantasy XV Noctis
Square Enix

Tidus made a brief appearance as a child in the original Kingdom Hearts. It only makes sense that we get to see how he's progressed on Sora's final adventure.

It was always confusing to see Tidus as a young child on the Destiny Islands. It raised a lot more questions about the connection between Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, which wasn't helped by the fact that he hasn't appeared since the first game.

It's definitely time for that to change. Besides the fact it'd be great to see him grown up, Tidus is also one of the most popular Final Fantasy characters in the whole series. Tidus' connection to Auron in Final Fantasy X could even be explored in the Kingdom Hearts universe, as Auron previously appeared in quite a significant way in Kingdom Hearts 2.

Considering characters like Leon and Cloud have previously helped Sora in battle before, Kingdom Hearts 3 is the perfect opportunity for Tidus to make his first battle appearance and help Sora out in a pinch.

Could we even see the return of Tidus' famous forced laugh? Let's hope not.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.