Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Final Fantasy Characters Who Must Appear

5. Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

Final Fantasy XV Noctis
Square Enix

The Oracle of Eos is supposed to one of the most important characters in recent Final Fantasy games. Whilst she didn't get too much chance to show this off in Final Fantasy XV, perhaps Kingdom Hearts 3 is where we'll see her shine.

Out of all of the Final Fantasy characters who could possibly appear in Kingdom Hearts 3, Luna is possibly the one who fits most in the universe. Luna's character is based on her pure 'light', which is a theme that constantly appears in the Kingdom Hearts universe.

Although we never really got to see much of Luna's battle prowess in Final Fantasy XV, her light-centric abilities make her perfect for a summon.

Luna could appear before Sora and constantly heal him and provide magical support, similar to how Tinkerbell acted in previous games. The summon could even end in a massive attack from Leviathan, similarly to her most important scene in Final Fantasy XV.

Lunafreya's a deeply interesting character with great potential that was unfortunately squandered in her own game. Hopefully Kingdom Hearts 3 can redeem her.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.