Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Final Fantasy Characters Who Must Appear

2. Lightning

Final Fantasy XV Noctis
Square Enix

Besides Cloud, Lightning is easily one of the most iconic protagonists in the Final Fantasy franchise. How has she not appeared in Kingdom Hearts already?

Although the games that Lightning has appeared in may not be the most popular, the reception to her character has been generally quite positive and she's the character that most fans point to as representing the newer generation of the series.

Much like Auron in Kingdom Hearts 2, Lightning would make for a perfect surprise companion in a Disney world. Lightning doesn't quite fit as an enemy for Sora and her fight first ask questions later kind of personality makes her more suited to a battle companion than a cameo appearance.

It would be extremely surprising if Lightning didn't make an appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3, especially considering Nomura's own involvement with the character. It's pretty obvious that Nomura loves seeing his own characters cross over into Kingdom Hearts and Lightning's iconic status means it's a good bet that she'll have a significant role to play in Sora's latest adventure.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.