Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Things We Learned At E3

3. Kairi's New Outfit

Kingdom hearts 3
Square Enix

Sora, Riku and Mickey aren't the only ones with new outfits, this time Kairi joins in too.

This seems to be one of the hallmarks of a new numbered Kingdom Hearts games. Nomura has previously said that he was unsure of changing Sora's outfit because of how popular it was, but changed his mind because Kingdom Hearts 3 is a numbered title. The same logic seems to have been applied to Riku and Kairi too.

We get to see Kairi's new outfit for the first time at the end of the trailer shown at Sony's conference, and it looks great. Kairi's outfit looks a lot more practical and sporty, as well as using the plaid that has been featured on every character's new outfit so far. Kairi has also got a much shorter haircut, as noticed by Lea in the trailer.

The fact that nearly every character is receiving new outfits really shows how big this game is to Nomura and how far it'll go to change the status quo.

Now we just have to wait and see if Lea ditches the coat.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.