Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Things We Learned At E3

2. Aqua Is A Vessel For Xehanort

Kingdom hearts 3
Square Enix

In one of the most surprising moments of all of the trailers, we get to see Aqua turned into one of the bad guys.

Aqua's position as one of Xehanort's vessels is made clear due to her yellow eyes and silver hair, which implies that she's been fully transformed. This is bad news for everyone, as she's also the only one who knows about Ventus' location and the only one who can wake him up.

This won't make a lot of sense for those who aren't massive Kingdom Hearts fans, but Aqua was already one of the most tragic characters in the series and it looks like it's only going to get worse for her.

This also puts a lot into question about Riku and Mickey's adventure, as it means their quest to find the old Keyblade wielders has technically already failed. We'll have to wait to find out what happens next.

The most important thing is that Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally starting to reveal more of the story to us, and it looks as crazy and tragic as ever.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.