Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Worlds Fans DON'T Want To See

1. Anything Marvel

Kingdom Hearts 3 Marvel
Marvel Studios

Woah woah woah, pitchforks down, everyone.

Much like with Star Wars, it's simply way too early to see anything Marvel appear in a Kingdom Hearts game. Big Hero 6 is enough for now.

As great as it would be to see Sora team up with Iron Man and Captain America, there are so many Disney worlds out there that have yet to make an appearance in the series at all.

For a game that's built upon the idea of a Square and Disney alliance, it needs to focus on what made it great in the first place - original Disney worlds. That means Marvel needs to take a backseat this time.

Branching out and including Pixar is enough of a big change for the third game, and some Disney-owned franchises need to be saved for future games in the series. Both Marvel and Star Wars would make for a great surprise, but at this point they'd be interrupting what the series has been building up to for ten years.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.