Kingdom Hearts 3: 11 Disney Characters That Must Feature

11. Elsa

Considering that Disney are still riding the Frozen craze over a year after its initial theatrical release, absolutely nobody would be shocked if Sora and the gang landed their Gummi ship in the realm of Arendelle. With an ever-increasing presence in Disney's theme parks, a Broadway production in its developmental stages and its characters having made the jump to live-action on ABC's Once Upon a Time, Frozen isn't going anywhere for a long time. Elsa's powers make her an ideal candidate to join the party in their adventures. If, like previous visited worlds in the series, Sora's first trip through was a loose retelling of the film's story, the trio could fight Marshmallow before helping convince Elsa to return home and ultimately stop Hans, who would, we presume, be happily using the Heartless to take over Arendelle. The game could also easily take place after the events of the film, with Sora meeting Elsa in power and ready to defend her kingdom from a returning Hans, Xehanort or otherwise. Whatever route is taken, Elsa would be a character we'd be happy to have join the team and help us answer that proverbial question: "Do you want to fight a snowman?" (A Heartless snowman, of course.) Her ability to conjure up different creations and quite literally change the battlefield at will could lead to some crazy battle opportunities and help keep Frozen fatigue at bay. Her inclusion at this point already seems a no-brainer from a marketing standpoint and, as such, we left her off this list for a reason, since all the other characters are nowhere near as seemingly sure-fire as she is. Even still, she deserved a mention lest people think we somehow managed to overlook Disney's current biggest animated star.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!