Kingdom Hearts 3: 13 Ways To Include Every Pixar Movie

9. Finding Nemo

Pixar Ranking

How: A mini-game story world.

Unlike the original game's Atlantica, which had a protagonist who could actually fight in Ariel, the undersea world and story of Finding Nemo doesn't really lend itself to combat. As a result, sidelining characters like Dory and Marlin in their own journey would be a disservice to the film, though its core experience could be retained by emulating the story-driven version of Atlantica from Kingdom Hearts II and implementing various mini-games in place of musical sequences.

From helping Dory and Marlin escape a frenzied Bruce and dodging anglerfish to riding the current with Crush, mini-games based on the film's various scenes would help keep the core story front and center. With Sora and the gang along for the ride to help guide Marlin's character progression and get to know Dory, the world could be revisited later on in the game to tell Finding Dory's story, all the while doing both films justice without the game contorting in on itself to shoehorn combat in.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!