Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 Trailer: 10 Details You Totally Missed

1. Second Form

Kingdom Hearts 3 Second Form
Square Enix

The biggest reveal within the new Kingdom Hearts trailer was the presence of a brand new Drive Form: Second Form.

Second Form appears to be directly linked to the Kingdom Key, appearing in its menu logo and only being used when Sora is wielding the Kingdom Key. This adds further fuel to the fire that certain Keyblades are related to different Drive Forms.

We also see that Second Form changes the appearance of Sora's outfit back to his Kingdom Hearts 2 colour scheme. This is symbolic of the fact that Second Form appears to be a meld of all of his most powerful Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 abilities.

The gameplay of Second Form shows Sora using several combos and moves directly from his previous outings, such as Magnet Burst, Sonic Blade and Ars Arcanum. Many of these moves appear in Sora's regular combos, but some are also Situation Commands, which teases an immense amount of power for Sora in his final adventure.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.