Kingdom Hearts 3 Reviews: 9 Early Reactions You Need To See

1. The Main Story Is Excessive & Self-Indulgent

Kingdom Hearts 3
Square Enix
Kingdom Hearts 3 is preoccupied with fan service to a fault, and it also struggles to stay coherent under the weight of its own convoluted lore...Kingdom Hearts 3 is bogged down in the finer details of its lore, so much so that--for all but the most clued-in fans--it can be difficult to get a sense of what our three main heroes are actually trying to accomplish. - Gamespot
And then there’s the series’ notorious narrative density...Kingdom Hearts isn’t simple anymore; it isn’t just joy and bright colors and Disney heroes. Instead, the conclusion of this story is tangled up in so many conflicting threads, each one a heavy burden on its hero, whose smile now feels unnerving. Kingdom Hearts 3 is an example of what can go wrong when a series that once stood in contrast to its peers as a lighthearted alternative loses its way. - Polygon
I also wasn’t fond of the repetitive boss battles toward the end, since repeatedly facing similar foes is a tedious way to drag out the finale. - Game Informer

And finally, though the game does appear to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the Kingdom Hearts trilogy, it has also been criticised for its self-indulgent approach to lore, bloating itself out to lengths that are unnecessary even in the pursuit of fan service.

This is also said to transpire through to the final hours of the game, which while presenting more challenging gameplay, also becomes monotonous and repetitive long before you reach the finish line.

One gets the impression that if you weren't dissuaded by the previous games, though, you'll enjoy KH3 just fine, its overreaching and all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.