4. Size Matters
One very crucial feature that greatly keeps Knack from stagnating into total boredom is how he grows and shrinks throughout various levels. As previously mentioned, Knack is a conscious being composed of ancient relics, and for whatever reason relics are plentiful in this world. Not only do they regenerate your life bar, but as they magnetically attach to Knacks innards he grows in size. Losing health or story related purposes will make him shrink back down some, but this fluctuating size consistently shakes up combat, keeping it refreshing. This results in a decent amount of combat variety as some parts will have Knack as tiny as a child traversing levels, but as he gradually grows in size the combat becomes heavier. There are some sequences that have Knack resembling Godzilla, and even allow you to destroy tanks, pick them up, and hurl them at militarized aircraft. Soon after, you may have to part with numerous relics to charge an elevator or fit inside a building, which successfully leaves you sad that youre no longer humongous. The game successfully is able to articulate the differences between being small and big, and that in-between stage where you can feel your power rising. This is most notably achieved in brilliant design from the games final boss battle which undoubtedly leaves you feeling vulnerable and exposed as you traverse platforms you can navigate in two seconds when gigantic. Sometimes you dont understand the gravity of your size until you go from King Kong to action figure height within seconds.