Last Of Us 2: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

ALL spoiler-free.

Last of us 2
Naughty Dog

After seven long years, The Last of Us 2 is finally here, and boy is it a humdinger.

Check online and you'll see the vitriolic fury of a fanbase reacting negatively to some huge story twists and narrative swerves, but the overall takeaway - once you've seen the game in full - is a project wearing humanitarian moralities and philosophies on its sleeve.

Whilst we'll be dissecting this story and these characters for the rest of the year (literally, what else is there to do until Cyberpunk 2077??), Last of Us 2's gameplay also sees a major step up from the original.

Where controlling Joel felt like piloting a brutally effective killer in a certain direction; popping Infected heads and running bandits' craniums into filing cabinets, Ellie is far faster, able to climb and can perform unlimited knife kills.

Even better, that's just the beginning. You'll get access to various additional skill trees that make it impossible to see every combat possibility first time through. Instead, you're encouraged to replay, experiment and eventually over time, you'll see everything Naughty Dog have tucked away.

The Last of Us 2 is a phenomenal experience - one that has a purposefully divisive story, but a TON to love more immediately on the gameplay side.


Note: There are NO SPOILERS in this article.

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