League of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 2

T-2. Team Coast (4-3)

team coast Team Coast is a team that definitely knows how to snowball a lead into a safe victory. They did just that on day two in a victory over cellar dweller team, Velocity eSports. However, in a rematch between Team Coast and Team Dignitas, which ended in a Team Coast base race victory last time around, resulted in a decisive loss for Team Coast in a battle for objectives. Going 1-1 this week like a majority of the teams, Team Coast continues to be a consistent threat, and they could certainly make a push for the top as they are tied with three other teams for second. Team Coast's performances were pretty similar to last week. Top lane player ZionSpartan made good performances as Rumble (6/6/3) and Riven (6/2/6), but if he is supposed to carry the team, he will need to make his play a bit better than just consistent. Mid lane player Shiphtur made average performances as well, but could not match his amazing Zed games of last week. Jungler NintendudeX was the target of many bans last week, but his performance remained consistent, and he made some brilliant plays as Jarvan IV (4/1/17) against Velocity eSports on day two. AD carry DontMashMe made decent performances this week but did not detract much attention away from ZionSpartan and Shiphtur. Support Daydreamin continued his great Blitzcrank record, as he is truly one of the most lethal with the hook. His performances are always solid, and he saved DontMashMe several times last week.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.