League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 3

T-2. Counter Logic Gaming (6-4)

CLG Logo Counter Logic Gaming continues to prove themselves worthy of their many victories. Top laner Nien (shortened from Nientonsoh) is new to the role, but consistently proves to be one of the best top lane players in LCS. With Link, Nien, and Doublelift providing the big plays, Counter Logic Gaming looked amazing this week. They won a 60 minute all out brawl against TSM Snapdragon, which was surely the most entertaining game in this entire split. CLG also beat Team Vulcun, and their lone loss was a well-fought rematch against top team Cloud Nine. Top lane player Nien continues to dominate his lanes despite having little experience in that position. Nien put the team on his back with an 11/5/4 Elise game against TSM Snapdragon, and his presence in lane made Dyrus look like a trapped rat in a maze. Mid lane player Link had a minor drop off on his production this week after having an unbelievable week last week. Link was unable to reach a positive kill to death ratio this week, but his presence in game is still giant. Jungler bigfatlp continues to be "the most annoying jungler" and is one of the most supportive players on his team. He went 5/5/15 for the week, and although he misses quite a bit of action around the map, he makes his presence known when he is in the fight. AD carry Doublelift certainly deserves kudos for playing the first Urgot in the tournament. However, he should stay away from Urgot because his performance lacked during that game. He had matches of 4/2/1 and 4/2/2 respectively on Tristana and Vayne against Team Vulcun and Cloud Nine. Support Chauster played well this week, keeping Doublelift alive at every turn and winning multiple ward battles.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.