League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 3

T-6. TSM Snapdragon (4-6)

TSM-610x339 TSM Snapdragon fell dramatically this week, losing all three games against Team Dignitas, Team Curse, and Counter Logic Gaming. The Spring Split winners played questionably against opponents, and their overaggressive moves have been their downfall. After taking down the inhibitor turret in mid lane early on in the game against Team Curse, they gave Curse AD carry Cop a quadra kill. TSM needs to hit their stride, which they have not done yet. The only other team to lose all their games in a specific week is Velocity eSports. Members and fans of TSM know that they are much better than how they played this week. However, their performance disappointed greatly. Top/mid lane player Dyrus could not secure a positive kill to death ratio in two of three games this week due to decisive ganks from opposing players. Dyrus cannot be expected to perform if Reginald cannot keep opposing mid laners from journeying up to Dyrus' lane every few minutes. Top/mid lane player Reginald played awfully in the first two games of the week but redeemed himself with a 9/6/11 performance on Karthus against Counter Logic Gaming. His inability to keep opposing players occupied puts both other lanes in danger. Farming is a necessity on any Reginald AP carry, but they lost a lot of ground in both other lanes for it. Jungler TheOddOne played inconsistently this week and chased opponents more than he should have. AD carry WildTurtle played well as Varus against CLG (10/5/9) but played awfully against Team Dignitas as Draven (0/7/3). He needs to become a more consistent contributor. Support Xpecial was a lone bright spot, as his Thresh mechanics against Team Curse were truly a spectacle.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.