League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 8

T-3. Team Dignitas (11-12)

Team Dignitas Team Dignitas made a comeback this week. After a loss to Cloud Nine in the first game this week, they won twice over TSM Snapdragon and Team Coast. Team Dignitas has one of the best rosters in the LCS, and they have some amazing individual performers. Although Team Dignitas is tied for third, they have had their own struggles in this split. However, it is not due to bad performances but rather to experimentation. This team is willing to experiment with their lineup a lot, and that may give them an advantage later on. Top lane player KiwiKid looked decent all week but did not blow anyone away. He went 7/8/5 on Elise against Cloud Nine, but he rebounded with two good performances on Zac against TSM and Team Coast (9/8/17). Mid lane player Scarra also had his struggles (2/8/7 on Kassadin against Cloud Nine), but his 5/0/4 Gragas helped lead Dignitas to victory over Coast. Jungler Crumbzz would be an amazing jungler if he did not die so much. His 1/7/20 game against TSM on Jarvan IV would have been amazing with five or six less deaths. However, his performance improved steadily this week. AD carry Imaqtpie continues to excel at any and every AD champion, including Ezreal (13/2/11 against TSM) and Graves (9/3/10 in 2 games). Support Patoy was not in the spotlight, but made a couple big plays with the Sona Crescendo.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.