League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 8

T-3. Counter Logic Gaming (11-12)

CLG Logo Counter Logic Gaming did drop their first two games this week, but they rebounded with their win over TSM Snapdragon. They lost to Team Vulcun and Team Coast. Although their technique is not flawless, they do get the job done when they make fewer mistakes than the other team. AD Doublelift should play Vayne more, as his mechanics are some of the best I have ever seen. However, the rest of the team needs to contribute more, as Doublelift can't carry the whole team by himself. CLG will probably make the playoffs, but they need to solidify their strategy a bit more. Top lane player Nien hit a road block this week; his KDA for the week was (4/8/11). Mid lane player Link also struggled against stiff competition. He ended two games on Orianna with a KDA of 3/3/6, and in their game against TSM, his Ahri went 3/3/8. His performances were barely viable compared to his MVP week 2. Jungler bigfatlp did show signs of improvement with his 3/0/9 Nocturne against TSM. However, he struggled on Jarvan IV against Team Coast (0/4/5). They need him to play more consistently. AD carry Doublelift is one of the best AD carries mechanically (as he dueled SychoSid and BloodWater with Vayne). His 8/0/9 game against TSM was the highlight of his week, besides his unbelievable Vayne mechanics showcase. Support Chauster continues to play hit or miss on Thresh.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.