Leaked New PS4 Model 'Neo': Everything You Need To Know
Say goodbye to console gaming as you know it.

After months of speculation surrounding the idea thatSony were working on a 'PlayStation 4.5', Giant Bomb have revealed all. It turns out the leak was indeed correct, and the company will most likely be releasing the codename machine 'NEO'later this year - if notannouncing at E3 2016.
I'll get into all the details across this article, but sufficed to say, it represents a complete paradigm shift for the industry, one that affects the mentality of what 'console gaming' is, and ushers in a more routine hardware cycle indicative of the mobile market. Now, the leak makes a point of saying that games will still be designed for the PS4 you already own, and the new hardware boost is purely optional, but you have to wonder how long that will remain the case, when the 'better version' of a given game is available for a few hundred notes more.
Needless to say,far more people are annoyed than pleased, and going forward itwill be very interesting to see how Sony handle the inevitably negativepress, considering their substantial saleslead so far.
Where do you stand on the idea, and what does this mean for PS4 games from here on out? Let us know in the comments, once you've sifted through the particulars...
9. Upgraded Performance Is An Optional 'Mode'

The new PS4 will facilitate the use of a new 'mode' of operation for all games. From October 2016, every PS4 title will have to ship with a 'basic' and 'NEOmode' - the latter of which opensup titles to greater processing power and rendering tech. This means it's up to developers to decide which games can access this latent power of the new systembefore shipping, as the 'basic' state is the PS4 as it stands right now.
Essentially, it's like rolling something out on PC. Some users are going to be able to gussy up textures and other graphical sliders as they already have the hardware to do so, whereas others are resigned to a lesser quality version.
The only difference here, is rather than have developers shoot for the skies and let the consumer catch up as best they can, we've got two potential frameworks on how games will run, and no more.
You'll either have access to the 'NEO version' of something, or you won't.